Bo-ster stayed with his Mimi & Pop last weekend and they decided to prep him for church...literally! I'm guessing he already has the dramatic screaming and yelling down pat, so why not?? Maybe I'm a tish biased but isnt incredibly cute?? :) He prolly even asked for fresh water on cue...
Tyrone passed down his old motorcycle for the Bo-Diddly. Actually, he'd been saving it for him for a while. No battery yet because I don't think he's ready but he loves climbing on and off and listening the sound effects. He thinks he's big time like his Pop.
Tyrone's class had a special dinner last night for veterans (and a student reward for good manners in their classroom this year). The teacher asked them to dress nicely for the dinner so he & his buddies tried to pull off an attempt to coordinate-- all of them wear dress pants, blue shirts & yellow ties. Notice all of them was wearing at least one item from the plan (which cracked me up that they even came up with a plan--can you say GQ???) Yes, Tyrone's tie is yellow/gold, even though it looks white in the above picture. Anyway, it was reallyfunny because all the parents knew that when we dropped our kids off, a limo was coming to take them to the dinner reception hall (remember, reward for good manners). We stood around waiting for about 15 minutes and a limo pulls up. Their teacher says --"Hey look class, it's a limo. We need a ride to the reception you think they'd let us ride?" The kids went bonkers!!! After a few pics, they climbed in and cranked the radio up and went wild:) Definitely a memory maker.
That's my boys---all dressed up...and looking a whole lot like Pop to me:)
In other news~So I'm officially 17 weeks preggers today--feeling good but anxious to find out what we're having this go 'round....only 2 more weeks & we should know. Everyone is hoping/thinking it's a girl. I have pros either way. Girl=one more person on my team in the house/Boy=hand-me-downs are cheap:). Due date is Oct. 30 so for now the baby is just "Boo."
We are in the middle of finishing the upstairs bedroom/bathroom/bonus room for Tyrone to move into for when the baby arrives. Trying to do that on our tax refund budget (with a teacher furlough & baby on the way) is quite challenging. So far the free labor of Mimi and Pop has been very appreciated:):) Bo-ster will be moving to a big boy bed in Tyrone's current room at some point, which should prove for some interesting posts in the near future.
I take my National Boards for Teaching assessment tomorrow morning (Sat) @8am. Prayers are appreciated--I'm nervous, which is unusual for me. Makes for an interesting testing session. But then I am FINISHED...until scores come back in December. But by then I will have another major distraction to deal with (Boo).
BLew started his summer session of graduate courses this week--3 nights a week allllll summer long. Might be a long summer! Tyrone is in the middle of baseball season. He pitched for the first time last game and caught a fly ball (yay! that's my stepson! i wash his clothes! go tyrone!). Bo-ster has decided his new favorite activity is driving the "CAR" and by car, he does mean get in the front seat and pretend to drive. I had Mimi's car this week and he thought that meant he drives everywhere we go...needless to say he has screamed most car rides this week b/c he thought he should be driving and not in his carseat...
Hmm...kinda sounds like his Pop doesn't it??
If you wanna see more pics since I've been a slacker blogger:
1 comment:
Wow, you've been busy! :o) Thanks for the update. I've enjoyed reading. Love Bo's new motorbike! That was sweet of "Tyron" to save it for him. Hope you have a GREAT week! Good-luck on your test. I'm sure you'll do great.
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